Friday, June 19, 2009

Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison ~ The Documentary

Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison
The Documentary
Bloor Cinema, Toronto
June 19, 2009
by Live Music Head

Making its Canadian premiere as part of the
North by Northeast Music & Film Festival and Conference (NXNE),
Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison,
The Documentary
moved me to tears in the Bloor Cinema tonight.
Thanks to Dave for letting me know about it.
This is a remarkable film not just about Johnny Cash
and the recording he made that went on to become
“one of the greatest albums of all time”,
but the documentary is about Folsom Prison itself,
and the lives of the 1968 inmates.
Even knowing the story of Greystone Chapel,
Glen Sherley,
and what Johnny did for him,
I was still not prepared to hear Sherley’s daughter tell it.
Powerful to say the least.
After the film I had the opportunity to thank
Associate Producer Dominic Musacchio and Editor Tim Raycroft,
but they didn’t have copies of the dvd for sale.
But I found one the very next morning,
just in time for Father's Day.